- Hatred
- Killer-Gods (1,21)mp3/1,55mo
- Golden-jail (1,25)mp3/1,62mo
- Live murders order the cd !
- I-don-t-like-it (1,08)mp3/1,31mo
- Murderer all the song
44100 Nantes (France) 8&euro
From left to right :
Antoine Lallart Guitar,Backing
Jimmy Valladon vocal
Claude Lefevre Drums
William Jeangein Bass
Laurent Plantin Guitar

update: 10/07/03.
Let's find this new page with some reviews about the band ( Music extreme,
Metal rules,Brutalism,ect ...)Great news! METAL RULES MAGAZINE (USA)
Issue #16 is now out...and there is a review and an interview of the band,
If you want to know how you can get it please clic on" News "You can buy it
at a store near you or you can e-mail at metaljef@yahoo.com if you want
to know a store near you that carries it.You can also buy them directly
off the website at http://www.metalrulesmagazine.com or just send $5 to
Metal Rules!2116 Sandra Road Voorhees, NJ 08043 USA
.it's now possible to order the CD for
11euros or 11$ post payed. SEND your payment by checks
or postalorders at this adresse:
LIVE IN METAL 26 rue Dupleix 44100 NANTES (France)
The band Sign with STONE DEAD PRODUCTION(France)for distribution.
You will find a review from GOLDEN JAIL at http://www.stonedeadprod.fr.st
and you can order the CD from their website.
it's possible to get the demo 6 tracks) of ATROCIOUS DEVOURED on MP3.COM
at this address http://www.mp3.com/ATROCIOUSDEVOURED.
You can also listen to and download two songs MURDERER and KILLER GODS.
You can order the CD at the band's address for 8 &euro
The video of HATRED is available for TV,labels,and promo.
To those who love to see blood spilled
Whose only thought are of killing
Spreading hatred,suffering and despise
You'll join the list of ugly murderers
Of monstrous cruelty executioner
Your name alone and your acts will mark
But you'll always be the crazy one by whom
Came the bad
Nothing can be built on hatred
End the violence and atrocities
For a better life on this planet
whenever I step out I'm filled with hatred
Seeing the papers on the walls
Racist papers inciting you to become involved
In a fight against foreigners
In the name of an out of fashion ideology
End the violence and atrocities there's
Something to be done
For a better life on this planet
How can't you feel hatred
When you see the unfairness of death striking
The children of misery,the children of the war
Those who are in the hands of torturers
Tracked down by the police or the army
Who'll die for a piece of bread
For they are but poor on this Earth
or victims of insane politicians
killer Gods
In the name of God perish all men
On the pyre or in the fire of the wars
Victims of crazy beliefs
Thrown into the flames of hell
I can't believe in your God
All your prayers are just smoke in the air
Which can't solve the problems on earth
Shut away in your austere universe
Don't you see you laws aren't respected
I can't believe in your God
You talk about a sinless world
Made of lambs,angels and light
If you are truthful you'll be saved
How can you remain speechless
In front of such misery
The demons you're chasing
kill every day
I can't believe in your God
Golden jail
You should get worried
About this dying world
You should get worried
About the toxic clouds
You should get worried
About the harmful smokes
You should think about
All those infected people
Now remember they say
Everything is allright
Now remember they say
No danger
Remember they say
Everything 's gona be allright
And however they say
Have no fear for to morrow
You should get worried
About the monstrous rubbish dump
You should get worried
By the beach down the factory
You should think
About all those oiled birds
You should get worried
About the chemical rejects in the rivers
You should be worried
About this dying world
You should be worried
About this dying world
Now remember they say
Everything is allright
Now remember they say
No danger
Remember they say
Everything's gona be allright
And however they say
Have no fear for to morrow
Nothing good to eat
Nothing good to drink
Nothing good tombreath
Nothing to hope
Our univers is a big jail
And somebody's lost the key
Now we are stuck and there is no way
You 'll be eaten by the earthquake
Your eyes are blind in the acid haze
Your skin is tore to shreds
There's nothing to do you're gona die
You should get worried
About this dying world
You should think
About this dying world
Now remember they say
Everything is allright
Now remember they say
No danger
Remember they say
Everything's gona be allright
And however they say
Have no fear for to morrow
I don't like it
I don't understand she was so sweet and
Oh yes,innocently I was following her
Down the street as every night
But that night she turned around
I don't like it,as if for the first time
She felt i was there
I don't understand innocently I was following her
Down the street as every night
So she hurried up and I really don't like it
That is when everything begun
I don't understand...chorus
I too hurried up but if I started running
I might catch her up no no no
Just a few steps away in case she would see me
Then she started running,I ran too
Then I felt fear growing I could feel it
Feel it deep inside then i became aware
That it was that i was waiting for
From the beginning she was still for from home
She knew it I knew it she knew that I knew it
And I like it I felt desire growing
I felt it was soon the moment
She was running but slower than I
I could catch her up wherever I wanted she ...
Heyday of desire critical tension of desire
Fear hate and love I jumped on her
Just when she thought she was safe
And I like it...
Live murders
everyday you're granted live murder
it's set deep down in mentalities
the weaker couldn't escape
those at the top stone you with flashes
politicians promise you a better future
but in a world where interest is put above life
how long will the menaced ones relive
their worse nightmares again and again
don't count me as part
of this locked system
everyone in their frontiers
don't give a fuck for humanity
oriented,driven and controlled
you must crawl whenever you're given the order to kill
after a few massacres you would talk of freedom
don't count me as part
of this locked system
everyone in their frontiers
don't give a fuck for humanity
genocides are quickly forgotten
children are born condemned to death
dictators kill fearless of punishment
tyrannical criminals buying their freedom
people annihilated by fanatic hordes
in every war millions of civilian casualties
how many children will perish on your mines?
in indifference history repeats itself
you're brainwashed by centuries of killing
you're given the casualty figure
but the most important is money and power
too much hatred accumulated
for too long without moving
deluded for too long by society
they make you forget about reality
You walk in the street as a corpse
But for you everything is just a joke
Reason to kill anybody
whose satisfy,your pleasure revenge
The knife in the mouth the cash in the and
the heard in the other you're a murderer
revenge about what you don't know
Just kill for blood,pain an d destruction
You act really as the devil
Murderer murderer murderer
26 rue Dupleix 44100 Nantes (France)
Tél (0033)240690516 Email: atrocious.dev@infonie.fr
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drawing and logo Mike Barreaud M.F.I
105 rue d'allonville 44000 Nantes 0611173756
all rights reserved .n°INPI140630 no copie.
photo by Sabrina 0668960176