MUSIC EXTREME A bestial band that plays extremely brutal death metal with interesting
guitar arrangements. That is what Atrocious Devoured music sounds like.
Fats riffs with extremely distorted guitar, drum beats at full speed with
some blast beats in some of the tracks, brutal vocals. Everything here
is conceived to brutalize the ears. There are some rhythmic riffs in tracks
like "I don´t like it" that are designed to add more heaviness
to the tracks and that are even more effective than the fastest ones.
The sound of the recording is raw and direct so the band has achieved
something like a "live sound" on this recording. Here you have
a band with power and brutality for headbanging while listening to it. |
GRINDGORE (TK) As I understand, this french band was born in 2000 year, so, as you see,
they're quite new band. And they presented here their first high-quality
release here. Yes, their release is qualitative for sure. Neat brutal
death metal with touch of death/grind full of blastbeats and fast speeds.
Influenced by such bands as Cannibal Corpse, etc. Great sound quality,
clear guitars, loud and sharp drums and evil mid growling. Just good work.
It's fine brutal death in my opinion. As they said, Atrocious Devoured
based on serious professional objectives also Atrocious Devoured have
a videoclip and possible it will broadcasts on the MTV, haha!!! So, Golden
Jail isn't a masterpiece, but decent brutal death. Get this CD for 8$
through the band... |
It appears that my theme of the month is death-grind albums, as this is now the 5th album in that style that Ive had cross my desk. While the other four have been from the good folks at Deepsend Records, this particular one is from French band Atrocious Devoured. Formed in 2000, the five lads who make up the band have been experimenting with their music, and finally felt that the six songs presented on GOLDEN JAIL were worthy for release. Since their style is death-grind, you know that its not going to take too long to get through listening to this disc, and sure enough, 16 minutes later, its all over. Fair enough, but how is the music you ask? Well, lets just say that if you didnt have the bands bio, the CD case, any artwork or lyrics, and just have the bands music to judge by, youd know that this was a young independent band. As it stands right now, the music of Atrocious Devoured is indeed heavy, intense, and brutal, but the song structures, the playing and the overall feel of the music is still somewhat amateur. You can tell that the guys in the band have been working hard at their music, but at this point its still not a high enough level to compete with the Nasums, Pig Destroyers, and Cinerarys of the world, for that is the bands chosen arena. As I said though, the band is trying, and songs like the title track give hope for the future. Also, Live Murders is a good song, using a speedy thrash vibe throughout, and even incorporating some Slayer-ized solos. This is still a young band finding their own style, and they should improve with time. As it is, if youre a fan of this stuff, check them out.
BRUTALISME Atrocious Devoured - Golden Jail This demo is from 2001 and contains 6 death metal grindcore songs (only 5 on my copy). The songs go from up tempo to speed tempo. Aggressive vocals, blasting drums and sharpy guitarriffs and fucking great guitarleads. At last some leads back to my ears. I wish they put more solos in their songs. My fav track is "Killer Gods". The songs were fun to listen to and hope to hear the full length soon!
Chronique dun univers Métallique
Découvrez ATROCIOUS DEVOURED ! Pour ce que ce groupe de DEATH
METAL apporte à la musique contemporaine. Dans « KILLER GODS », les chanteurs innovent avec leur voix en faisant de ces grognements interdits, qui rappellent au mystère du verbe « être », quand on dit « nous sommes ». « ... Vous prétendez détenir les clefs du mystère ... » dit la chanson, et « pour qui ? » suggère-t-elle. Dans « PRISON DORE », « ... vous devriez vous inquiéter du monde qui meurt ... ». La musique semble encore plus solide, plus intense et plus dense que dans les autres morceaux. Tandis que les solos de guitares, plus discordants me rappelle « trafic » de Jimmy Hendrix ; trafic dun réseau périphérique de type « Métropolis ». Dans « MEURTRES EN DIRECT », le leader sexprime librement de sa voix puissante et gutturale. Il pourrait être la voix des victimes, hurlant lhorreur de leur souffrance depuis la vie ou depuis le monde des morts. Je vous invite vivement à découvrir la suite de lunivers
d « ATROCIOUS DEVOURED », musique underground pour
le monde des vivants. |